21 research outputs found

    Sistem Automasi Proses Produksi Minuman Dengan Sistem SCADA Menggunakan PLC

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    Industries need production processes that can be operated continually from one process to another without a lot of human energy resources. The solution of the problem is using an automation system which can be worked and operated from one central operator. SCADA with PLC can be used in many industrial processes because it can answer all the problems in controlling industrial application automatically. This paper describe how to make a design of simulation plant for beverages production process. The plant will use : pumps, mixer, valves, and heater. This plant will be operated by PLC Omron C-200 HS which is connected to SCADA Intouch, Wonderware Production. The comunication between PLC Omron and SCADA Intouch use Host Link RS 232c with I/O Servers program. The result from the simulation plant design for the minimum power shaft pump is 6.788 Watt. The mixer need a motor with speed 114 rpm. And the heater need 1000 Watt at 01:44:21.64. While the minimum valve design is needed to hold the fluids pressure until 106,4096 KPa

    Embedding cultural competence in faculty : a mixed-methods evaluation of an applied Indigenous proficiency workshop

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    One of the most pressing issues in Australian society is the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health and life expectancies (Marmot, 2017). Australia agreed with the World Health Organisation’s 2008 Closing the Gap in a Generation report (WHO, 2008), spending approximately 5.6% of government expenditure towards ameliorating this gap (Gardiner-Garden & Simon-Davies, 2012), yet there have been only minimal positive outcomes (Alford, 2015; Gannon, 2018). In applied terms, this means Indigenous people are still dying younger (Anderson et al., 2016), scoring higher on psychological distress (Markwick, Ansari, Sullivan, & McNeil, 2015) and suffering poorer indices on all chronic diseases (e.g. Walsh & Kangaharan, 2016; Thompson, Talley, & Kong, 2017). The level of complexity involved in addressing these “wicked” or seemingly “impossible to solve” health problems is made worse by the lack of any pan-national strategic planning and/or intervention evaluation (Lokuge et al., 2017), even though there has been a plethora of programs and projects designed to improve Indigenous health (see for example, AGPC, 2016). Leaders in health and educational institutions must consider why there is a lack of progress in closing the gap in Indigenous health and life expectancies. Addressing the inequities in Indigenous health requires a determinant of health approach (Mitrou et al., 2014), as 39% of the gap in health outcomes can be explained by social determinates (AIHW, 2017; Markwick, Ansari, Sullivan, Parsons, & McNeil, 2014). The social determinant considered to most reliably predict Indigenous poor health is racism (Kelaher, Ferdinand, & Paradies, 2014; Paradies, 2006; Paradies & Cunningham, 2009; Paradies et al., 2015; Paradies, Truong, & Priest, 2014)


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    Rendahnya hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SD N 2 Suka Mulya Kecamatan Pugung Tanggamus disebabkan oleh kurangnya aktivitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada saat interaksi pembelajaran di kelas, siswa tidak terlibat secara aktif baik dengan guru maupun dengan siswa lainnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran melalui penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT (Team Games Tournament). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA siswa terhadap materi gaya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD N 2 Suka Mulya Kecamatan Pugung Tanggamus kelas IV semester genap pada materi gaya tahun pelajaran 2011/2012, dengan jumlah siswa 31 orang yang terdiri dari 15 orang siswa laki-laki dan 16 orang siswa perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian tindakan kelas yang tahapan yaitu: Orientasi lapangan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, evaluasi dan refleksi. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, pengelolaan pembelajaran, dan hasil belajar yang berupa nilai hasil turnamen tiap siklusnya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dengan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT (Team Games Tournament) terjadi peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dari siklus ke siklus. Rata-rata persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yang sesuai dengan aspek yang diamati pada saat pembelajaran pada siklus I yaitu sebesar 74,19 % dengan kategori cukup aktif dan pada siklus II meningkat sebesar 9,00 % sehingga menjadi 83,19 % sehingga dapat di kategorikan aktif. iiiSedangkan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa terhadap materi gaya pada siklus I 68,71 kategori cukup baik, dengan jumlah siswa yang tuntas belajar 90,33 %. Pada siklus II, meningkat 7,12 menjadi 75,83 dengan jumlah siswa yang tuntas belajar 93,33 % dengan kategori baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada akhir pembelajaran penelitian ini tercapai ketuntasan belajar kelas siswa yaitu 93.33 % siswa tuntas belajar, dimana standar ketuntasan belajar di SD Negeri 2 Suka Mulya adalah apabila ratarata 75 % siswa mencapai nilai 60

    Newly graduated nurses' orientation experiences:a systematic review of qualitative studies

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    Abstract Objective: This systematic review describes the experiences of the orientation into nursing of newly graduated nurses. Design: Systematic review. Methods: Data was collected from five databases: Medic, EBSCO Cinahl, Scopus, PsycARTICLES and ERIC (ProQuest). Qualitative, peer reviewed, original studies published in English, Swedish or Finnish before February 2016 and exploring newly graduated nurses’ experiences of the nursing orientation process were included. The studies were selected by screening titles, abstracts and full texts and the quality of the studies was assessed by two researchers independently. Data was analysed using content analysis. Results: Thirteen studies were chosen for the review. Newly graduated nurses’ orientation experiences were divided into four main categories: experiences related to orientation arrangements; experiences related to the preceptor; experiencing role transition during the orientation and suggestions for changes based on orientation experiences. The findings establish that the orientation and the preceptor have a great impact on how newly graduated nurses experience the start of their career. Often, newly graduated nurses wish to continue their relationship with their preceptor after the orientation period. Conclusions: Results bring together both the positive and negative aspects that newly graduated nurses relate as regards their current orientation programmes. Attention needs to be paid to the variation and imbalance in the quality of orientation programmes and preceptors. A more formal form of mentorship needs to be developed further